Classroom Celebrations & Smart Snacks

Effective July 31st, 2017 the Smart Snacks Rule was applied to ALL foods & beverages in schools. This includes classroom parties, celebrations & anything provided to a group of students intended for consumption during the school day.

The Smart Snacks Rule DOES NOT apply to lunches brought from home or snacks sent for an individual student.

The District has supplied a list of approved foods & beverages that may be brought in to buildings for celebrations and other special events. This list is not all inclusive and is subject to changes and updates. The list is available for download below:
Smart Snacks Approved Food List

If you would like to bring in a food or beverage item that is not listed on the approved list, you must first run the nutritional information through the Smart Snack Calculator available here.
Just bring the print out from the calculator with your item showing that it is approved.

If you would like to learn more about Smart Snacks you may access the information below:
Smart Snacks Guide