8 Strategies

8 Strategies
Posted on 12/09/2016
Once a student leaves your room, you lose your ability to see the aftermath of their behavior or the "consequence" as behaviorist like to call it. When we cannot identify the maintaining consequence--what is making the student continue that problem behavior--we struggle to find ways to extinguish the problem behavior. Behaviors will change when we alter what happens before and after the problem. Many times we focus solely on the before but by missing the "after" we miss changing the problem. 

How can we avoid this issue? Try even harder to keep the problems contained in our classrooms. This may seem impossible but here are a few strategies that may help . . . 


1. Monitor Kids as They Enter Class (Take Temperature) – Great each student, paying 

attention to response and body language. If something seems off, speak with them. Ask what 

they need and make accommodations. 

2. Proximity/Eye Contact – Make eye contact, no expression. If behavior continues, move close 

to student. Continue teaching during this. 

3. Change Seat – This could be a safe seat or just different location depending on the need of 

the student. 

4. Time to Regroup – This is specific to the student and the situation. 

a. Ideas – If angry/emotional – separate seat, allow head down. If energetic – 

movement within class or lap around inside of school. 

b. Be creative and think outside the box. 

5. Remove Distractions – If taking items, let them know you will return at the end of class or 

day and you are taking them because it is keeping them from focusing and distracting others. 

6. Communicate a Positive/ Discussion with Student – A positive comment should be done 

before you do the Discussion with Student. 

a. Example – “You did a really nice job coming in and sitting in your seat. I appreciate you 

doing this. I now need you to …..” 

b. Discussion with Student can be done quietly at the students seat or in hall. Find out 

what is happening and communicate expectations and the desire to have to student be 


7. Give the Student a Responsibility/Job – We want to make this manageable and not inhibit 

the flow of your lesson. Carissa and Dorothy will be sending out ideas to pull from which are 

easy to put into place. 

8. Last Chance Card – Each teacher will have a couple of these cards. This will be a visual to 

the student that if they cannot stop disrupting the learning of others, they will be escorted 

from the class. The card will say, “I want you to stay. Last Chance.” This is the last strategy. 

After you have tried the previous seven strategies and the student is still disrupting, simply 

place the card on their desk. If the disruption continues call the office for an escort.